Common Reasons People Call For Help From A Towing Service

You never know when you'll have car trouble or be in an accident, so it's always a good idea to have a towing service number stored on your phone. However, if you take precautions and maintain your car, you can reduce the risk of a breakdown and the need to have your car towed. Here are some common reasons cars are towed and how to reduce the risk of them happening to you.

Accident Due To Slick Roads

Listen to weather reports during the winter and rainy season so you can avoid getting caught in a storm while you're driving. If road conditions are forecast to be dangerous, then stay home unless it's necessary to be out for work or some other important reason. Accidents are more likely to happen when roads are slick, and even if you don't crash into another car, you could run off the road and roll into a ditch or get stuck in a snowbank. Avoid an accident and the need for a tow by staying off slick roads when it's possible.

Tire Trouble Due To Bald Tires

If the tires on your car are nearly bald, then it isn't safe to drive your car. A tire could blow out and cause you to lose control, or a flat tire could leave you stranded by the side of the road. It's possible a tow truck can make repairs or change your tire, but if not, then your car will have to be towed to the shop, which will cost much more than it would have to change the tire. You can avoid problems with your tires by changing them when your mechanic recommends, before the tread is worn down. Once you have good tires, check them and their air pressure regularly, especially before long trips, so you can avoid flats and blowouts when possible.

Car Won't Start Due To A Dead Battery

A common reason for your car not starting is a dead battery. You'll probably have some warning the battery is going bad because your car may be difficult to start in the days leading up to a complete failure. You may also notice the battery is leaking or corroded when it's bad. You should also keep an eye on the age of your battery and change it when it gets old so it won't go dead and leave you stranded. If you try to start your car and all you hear is a clicking noise, then call a towing company for help. The towing service might jump the battery or change it on the spot so you can get driving again. If not, or if the problem is something other than the battery, your car will be towed to the shop. One way to prevent this from happening to you is to take your car to a mechanic when it sounds, handles, or acts in a different way than usual so you can have repairs done before your car breaks down.
