Tips To Help You Save The Next Time You Need Towing Service

It's almost impossible to know when you'll need a tow truck. Your car can break down without notice and if you're en route to work or another important appointment you need assistance as soon as possible. Having your car towed to a mechanic can help you get back up and running a lot sooner. However, when money is tight and you don't have a lot of spare cash, you need to find some way to get the vehicle towed without an excessive bill. Listed below are a few tips to utilize the next time you find yourself in need of an affordable towing service. 

Go Flat-Rate To Save

Tow truck drivers typically charge for their services in one of two ways. You are either required to pay per mile or the driver charges a flat rate to transport your vehicle from the current location to a destination of your choice. Depending on the distance between where you are and where you want to be, it might be in your best interest to opt for a flat-rate driver.

When you're in a situation where you desperately need a tow truck it can be hard to think clearly. Getting out of your predicament is the only thing on your mind but if you fail to count the cost you'll likely pay a lot more for towing services than you actually have to.

Use the calculator on your phone to do some quick math. Contact a tow truck company to find out what their rate is per mile and compare it to the same service from a flat-rate driver. If the flat rate won't do as much damage to your pockets it's best to go with the more budget-friendly alternative.

Call Your Insurer

Although many insurance companies do offer towing coverage to their policyholders, there's a chance you opted not to take it. Even if this is the case, it's still a good practice to reach out to your insurance agency. Your insurer may have an alliance with a team of local truck drivers who are able to move your vehicle at a fraction of the normal rate assessed to motorists who aren't part of your insurance organization.

Knowing what to do when a vehicle emergency appears helps you keep a level head and make rational decisions. Keep these tips in the back of your mind so you'll be able to save when you hire a towing service.

For more information, contact a towing service in your area.
